? ??????????????The Earth Laughs? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (18 Ratings)??1603 Grabs Today. 12213 Total Grab
s. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Dream Forever? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (10 Ratings)??1577 Grabs Today. 18868 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????W BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Keeping My Happy

Wow has it been a month since I posted something?  Where have I been?  I have not been anywhere really just been so busy with hat and shawl orders and hanging out with my husband and kids that I forgot all about my little blog.

Next week I have a total hysterectomy to treat my cervical cancer and while I am a little nervous about having surgery, I am so ready to get it done.

Did I ever think at 31 that I would be faced with cervical caner and a hysterectomy? NO, but I have a wonderful husband and 4 gorgeous children and this is the path I must go down.

While a hysterectomy doesn't sound like it has any advantages there are some, like no more periods!  No more buying tampoons and pads and worrying about spots on my clothing! 

I could get down in the dumps but what good would that do.  Cancer does not define me and it is not going to take away my happy!

For all those suffering with illnesses, I pray that God heals your body and that you always have your happy!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 3 Photo - Something Red

I recently noticed that most of my wardrobe is red so it wasn't hard to find something red today.  All I had to do was look down.

These are my most comfortable pair of heels.  I bought them a couple of years ago for $15.00 and they have outlasted my expectations. 

Be an Inspiration!

Wow, I had a couple of weeks of a non-stop sinus infection that really knocked me down for a while and my poor kiddos were hit with a stomach virus.......so it has been a germ-fest at my house lately.

Thelast few months have been a cleansing one for me. I decided really to take a look at myself and to change those behaviors that are negative and harming my life.  I have quit smoking, became stronger in my faith of God and stopped associating with those who always seem to cause drama!  I have to say that I am much more relaxed and happier and my husband and children have noticed a difference as well.  I had to let go of some friendships that were toxic and were constant strains on my emotional well being and I feel so much lighter now. 

I don't usually tell many people that in December 2010 I was diagonsed with cervical cancer  and since I was pregnant with my son there wasn't much we could do at that moment, so in 2 weeks I will having more biopsies and determining what treatment is best.  I am a little scared but I know that God is with me thru all this and that cervical cancer is very treatable without many side effects.  I have amazing support from my husband, family and community.  I know that this is just a trial that I have to conquer and this does not define me. 

I have decided that through all this I will not tolerate certain things from people who claimed to be my friends, instead I will be an inspiration and I will rise about the turmoil and tribulations and come out happier and a better wife, mom, daugher and friend!

May God bless all those affected by Cancer!

Here is day 1 Pic of ,y 31 day challenge:

My Self Portrait

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Old Switch-A-Roo!

Looks like two of my favorite bloggers did a little switch-a-roo and you can reap the benefits.  Ashley from Thje Shine Project and Lindsey from Lee La La switched blogs and are giving away something from each other.

Please go HERE for the giveaway!

It's Raining!

After what seems like an eternity..........it is finally RAINING in West Texas.........God anwered our many many many prayers for RAIN!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Giveaway Wednesday!

As many people across the nation are aware, those of us in Texas are suffering through a summer of endless heat, no rain and wildfires!  Our crops are dead and livestock are dying and now fires are destroying our land and homes. 

I came across the awesome blog Adventures in Flip Flops and they are having a giveaway with donations going to those in Texas affected by the ongoing fires.  Please stop by the blog and enter the giveaway!

If you would like to donate to help those affected by the fires please visit HERE.

Please pray for Texas.

31 Day Photo Challenge

Being a mom of 4 and a scrapbooker, I usually have a camera with me at all times to capture sweet moments of my children and family.  Like many moms and scrapbookers, I noticed that I am always taking the pictures (I prefer it that way) and in very few if any at all.  So to get over my camera fear and stupid excuses (bad hair day, overweight, no makeup) I am going to make myself do a photo challenge for the 31 days of October. 

While I love taking pictures, I feel as though I need to challenge myself to allow my picture to be taken because my children will want to see their mommy in pictures and not just the pictures that mommy took.

Also I want to challenge myself to see the little things in everyday life as special! 

I would love to see others challenge photos and ideas!!

Day 1:  Self Portrait
Day 2:  What I wore today
Day 3:  Something Red
Day 4:  Clouds
Day 5:  An Animal
Day 6:  Lunch
Day 7:  Someone I love
Day 8:  Something Blue
Day 9:  Eyes
Day 10: Favorite Hobby
Day 11: Nature
Day 12: My Shoes
Day 13: Hands
Day 14: Black & White
Day 15: Something Random
Day 16: Something Pink
Day 17: Toes
Day 18: Birds
Day 19: Self Portrait
Day 20: Least Favorite Chore
Day 21: Food
Day 22: Something Orange
Day 23: Sunset
Day 24: Sunrise
Day 25: Favorite Book
Day 26: The Weather
Day 27: Landscape
Day 28: Something Random
Day 29: Something Green
Day 30: Self Portrait
Day 31: Halloween Activity

Little Boys Owl Hat

Introducing an owl hat for little boys.  I made this one for my little boy because my little girls said their brother needed an owl hat since they all had one.  One day when it cools off here in hot dry Texas I will take all 4 kiddos outside to take a family pic with everyone in their owl hats, maybe I should make one for me and my husband as well, I am sure he would love that (hehehe).

I am also working on new scarves and shawls for upcoming craft shows and hope to have displays soon, still working out pattern and yarn details.

We are expecting some rain here for the next couple of days and I am headed outside to enjoy the clouds and cool weather.

Do something good for someone today!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fabulous Giveaway from The Shine Project

If you love giveaways then head over to The Shine Project.  I have to say that The Shine Project is becoming one of most favorite blogs to visit each day.  Not only is the creator (Ashley) so very creative and very pretty, but she has a gorgeouss soul and is using her time to help those who need it!  And she has opened up a vintage online clothing shop (love it)!

I am currently working on winter hats, scarves and shawls for upcoming craft shows and will have lots and lots of pics very soon.



Thursday, May 26, 2011

Recycled and Gorgeous!

Here are a few of my favorite pics around the web of very interesting recycling and repurposing ideas.

Flickr : green typewriter eclectic patio

an old typwriter makes a great planter for small succulents

Old barber shop comb display traditional kitchen

an old magazine racks holds beautiful china

Between Naps on the Porch eclectic landscape

gives new meaning to a flower bed

I am so ready for a weekend of junkin'!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Summer of Repurposing

This summer, I am making it all about what I can repurpose or redo and give it a place in my home or garden. 

I love teapots and teacups but being a Texan I only drink sweet tea so I really don't have any use for teapots and cups other than for decor.  Well while eating lunch and stalking the internet, I found the photos below and have to say that I really love these ideas!

These pictures are from an old issue of Marie Claire Idees.  I absolutely love how femine the floor lamp is.  I am going to be on a hunt for old, girly teapots and cups.



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Earflap Hats

$20.00 and can be made in any color or size you need.
Hats are made after orders are placed and will be mailed within 2 weeks of receiving payment.

New Name and New Design

After taking lots of orders for hats and scarves this past year, I decided to give my little business a name.  3 Diva Designs after my 3 little divas!  I will be selling finished crochet accessories such as hats, scarves, shawls, bows and lots more. 

I am currently working on bows and headbands and will have those loaded soon and up for sale.  I am super excited to get 3 Diva Designs up and running.

Off to buy more yarn!!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Great Giveaway!!

If you love to scrapbook then head over to http://mytinylittlecorneroftheworld.blogspot.com/.  She has a great blog and a great prize giveaway.

Good Luck!!

Winter is perfect for crocheting!

This winter I have been crocheting hats like crazy for my girls and friends and a few strangers. 

I love to make these and my girls have gotten lots of compliments on them at school. 

I love to crochet but have to say that I am ready for spring weather, enough winter!!